To our Darling Momma on her 60th birthday,
We were all having much difficulty deciding on what to get you for your birthday, as this is by all means no ordinary birthday, it's your 60th year. And what in the world do you buy for a mother who means the world to her daughters? Everything seems so... insignificant, so inadequate. After much deliberation, we have come up with something that we feel would be very special. We have decided to get you a tree for your 60th year.
We thought a tree would be such a perfect gift for you because we liked what a tree symbolises and metaphorically, how much a tree reminds us of you.
Roots. You have been the foundation of our home. You have kept us grounded through turbulent times. You have kept us close, reminding us of the importance of family, of who we are.
Growth. You have always encouraged us to branch out, to explore ourselves and to never become discouraged when we fail. You have allowed us to fail, to learn from our mistakes, to mature. You encouraged us to discover the world for ourselves, on our own, but were always there for us if ever we needed. You have taught us to be honest with each other, but most importantly with ourselves. You have always accepted the individuals we were, and the individuals we have become.
Strength. You have bared the many hardships that came along with motherhood, while never giving up on us. Regardless of the dilemma, with enduring patience, you have always trusted and given yourself knowing that we would eventually find ourselves.
Life and Beauty. You are the most selfless, sincere, and loving woman we know. We are all so blessed to have to as our mother, You have passed on to us so many gifts through your affection and knowledge. The lessons you have taught us in life are so incredibly invaluable, as we too shall pass on all these wonderful attributes as the life cycle continues.
So you see Momma, a tree is a very appropriate gift for someone as extraordinary as you. As the frozen grounds of army beach begin to thaw, plant any tree of your liking. (Presumably one that could thrive in such barren and unnourished earth.) And perhaps, when you find yourself missing your daughters, you could look out at your tree, and always be reminded of our abiding love for you.
Happy Birthday Mom, we love you so much.
Mousie, Peanut, Buggsie and Punkin
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