Awww Momma... sounds like you're having such an intense week!!! I couldn't even fathom the task of cleaning out the house on top of your already arduous schedule at work. We need to tackle our apartment so soon!!!! I am feelling especially lazy these days. our good friends natasha and Neviell's wedding was incredible. They rented out a mansion for the wedding and nick and I had our own room with a king sized bed. Incredible. We arrived Thurdsay night and and did not stop partying with our good old university friends until Sunday. The wedding was simple and fast, the duration of the night was focused on the dancing. Nick and I impressed everyone with out sweet dance moves. Mom and Dad would've been a hit.. not a lot of coulple dancers out there so nick and I had to break the ice. The first band was this hilarous rented group of seniors and played 50's hits. Nev and Tash's first dance was to "Rockin Robin" I don't think that was intentional.
I didn't dance.. I am not proud of myself. My time will come.. I'm just not that confident yet. The wedding was amazing nontheless and Natasha was happy either way.
Back to reality.
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