Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mathis and Mama

Here is a picture that was taken at the Breast feeding centre. They had a special event celebrating 30 years of community service. They gave a conference on sleep training for babies so now I sleep all night long (ya right - not!), they served lunch and had a professional photographer on hand. It was a lovely day.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Ok, so we know he likes hockey

Noé loves to sing old macdonald (or rather oh macdonna) all while switching up the animals, some of his favourites being duck, horsey, tractor, lion, snake and a dinosaur. The other day I caught him singing this rendition: old mcdonna had a farm- eeiieeiioo. And on a farm he had a hockey - eeiieeiioo. With a go habs go and a go habs here...

Friday, April 8, 2011

Sad News

Hey Family, Krista here. Just got some sad and unexpected news. Jay's grandma, "Nana" died this morning. She had been dealing with various breathing problems for a while, but was doing well and very independent up until the end. She was in the hospital with a pneumonia for the past few days but was in the process of being discharged since she was feeling better. Jay's mom was just arriving to the hospital to visit just in time to see the crash cart and the whole team trying to revive her. Rough. Anyway, she was a lovely, smart and independent lady right till the end. She was always saving newspaper clippings for Jay about real estate and giving him advice. (Not always solicited!) Jay is pretty sad obviously. He often talked about how we would get Nana to the cottage for our wedding. In true Roulston style, the whole family is together in Markham, "telling stories about Nana and getting drunk." So I'll be joining in tonight. So say a little prayer or raise a glass of white wine to Nana tonight. Luv ya, Pean

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Fun Projects, Dammit!

Hi Kids, I'm going to try to add some pics of the last couple of fun type projects around here. The first one is Mom. Doing what Mom does... "Cleaning in the Kitchen" Second is the sunroom furniture that Mom purchased with her "retirement gift from the staff." Third is an evening view of Mt. Michie from the front windows. (we love the view from our front windows) Four & five are of the 5' crawl-space, showing the vapor barrier that took me way too long to install. My head now has many lumps & bumps, but I did a good sealing job. The vapor barrier stops the radon gas from entering the house from the sand below. (Ya, they say that "Radon gas is everywhere in the Yukon") The last picture is Mom, still cleaning. She sez, "We have 31 windows."
The "Oiled Flooring, Larch" looks good, adds a touch of "old-style" to the new house that I was seeking when I chose the Larch in the first place... However, the Larch has an inherent problem (big problem, unforeseen) It has slivers! We will all need to wear slippers... all the time. I've already wrecked some socks, and gotten a few slivers. Dammit!

Ha ha Nicole's bedroom! That's right!

I checked out the photos on Aubrey's facebook. The house looks amazing! Can't wait to come home in June!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

computer finally made it into Nicole's bedroom!

Thanks for the great photos and updates from all you kids. Even though we've been remiss you guys kept this blog going. Danielle you are looking great! When I can post my picture looking like you I will. Ya right. On the Spicer kid theme, we had a great visit with Aubrey last week before she headed back to Prince George. She is looking good but I guess you girls saw her at Christmas except for MIchelle. She sure wishes she could come to your wedding, Michelle, but she likely won't be able to.We just ordered a table, six chairs,two benches, a hutch and a bookcase from Sarah's new store"Bella Home Decore" Check it out on facebook as she says she does some advertising there. I'm sure she has her own web sight as well. Sarah gave us a real good deal. All the furniture is made from reclaimed wood. Looks very antique. Most of it won't be here until the end of April but that's okay. I told her we would do some advertising for her as lots of people are looking at our house. She is going to give us some business cards and we can hand them out, especially when we have an open house. That's the least we can do. Sarah gave me a good deal because she says I'm her second mom. Lord help me more daughters! Keep and eye out for a little package coming your way soon. It's time for another visit from the Easter Bunny. love ya, mom