Hey Family!
Krista signing on. First off, Dano, you look awesome! Keep it up because we're taking "after" photos at the May 2-4 party at J's cottage and sending them to Marksdailyapple. I'm hoping we'll get a bit of suntanning in before then, but so far, it's been a cold spring.
Anyhoo, back to me! J and I just got back from a nice visit to Sandy and Brian's home in Sharbot Lake. It's just 1.5 hours past J's cottage, maybe a half hour outside of Tweed. So we told them we can all meet up at the cottage when mom and dad visit after the wedding! Benefits of an 8 bedroom cottage!
Ange's kids are super cute and good kids too. She has them trained like a drill sargeant! Don't mess with the RCMP eh?
Here's some photos of the whole crew and of their nice little home. They're just off Sharbot lake. REally pretty place.