Well, it's Wednesday morning and I am back in the office. It's so quiet! I have a few things to finish up these next few days before I'm shipped over to the other side of the tracks.
It's kinda nice to get out of the house. Kids are starting to feel a little better, fevers seem to have gone down. However, Noé is still whining... alot...
«Papa, Po, Papa Po...» it means he wants to be held in JL's arms, ALL THE TIME. JL may have an interesting next few days ahead of him. It's funny, cause last time JL took time off to take care of Noé, he was also sick and spent the week sitting on the couch or in bed with Noé. So all his activities he had planned are down the tube. Probably we won't be going to the kids party we were invited to this evening either. Give them a bit of a chance to get better before we toss them back into a lions' den of virus' and germs!!
Overall, we had a nice Christmas. We kept with the Christmas traditions (church, wifesaver, morning stockings, turkey, etc). Got in a bit of visiting with friends and the weather was perfect for a beautiful walk in the snow! The last couple days we mostly spent indoors, cleaning and recovering.
Today it's raining... gross. But they are calling for cooler weather and more snow all week.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Oh Michelle! It's lovely!!
I just love love love your house!!! I love the colours, I love the painted trim, I love the kitchen shelves, I love the art work, I love your rugs, I love how you decorated! You guys did such an amazing job!!! Oh and I LOVE the dining table!!!
I can't wait to see it in person!!!
I can't wait to see it in person!!!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Our House!!!
Hello! Remember me? I know I've been neglectful of the family blog, but now that I have access to a good computer here at Ma n Pa's I can finally post the greatly anticipated pictures of our new home!! It has been such a fun project for Nick and I for the first few months as newlyweds. There is still much to be done, but for the most part we've created an environment that's cozy enough for now. It's so nice to finally have a place to call home! I hope to someday host the family Christmas in our sweet little "saltbox" home!! I've included a mix of before and after pictures as well as a couple of our front yard. Enjoy!! xo

Friday, November 18, 2011
Happy Birthday Baby Mathis!
Here are a few pictures from the Halloween Party and from Monday night's little birthday party we had for Mathis. What a cute kid!!! So Noé figures we can't call Mathis "baby" anymore, especially now that he is one year old and walking.
So this entry marks Mathis' first birthday and the end of my maternity leave. How time flies!!! So depressing... maybe we could have another! (Don't tell JL, well not yet, anyhow!)
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Noe wanted a "mean" face; he got a mean face!
Well we didn't end up making egg steortz (sp?) this morning, but we did end up making Mert's famous spinach & artichoke dip. It's in the oven and smellin' delicious! Beautiful sunny fall day here, so we took a walk through the market for the makin's of the dip. Had a great night out at Grumpy's last night. Declan's got this new band made up of a drummer and a base player dood. Dec's new tunes are awesome! Feelin' last night's debauchery today though. Off to relax and indulge in some food!
Love ya!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Last wedding of the seemilgly endless string of weddings.
Nick and I are lying in bed having a lazy morning at "the Dans". We are hungover from an incredible supper guy Dan cooked for us. Cheesy meatballs and tomato sauce over a delish bed of spaghetti squash. We had Declan, Trevor and Kim join us. For dessert we indulged in french pressed coffee, Italian biscotti and chocolate croissants. We are headed to Ottawa this afternoon for the LAST of the summer weddings. Fully aware of the weddings that are already in the works for next summer.
We have been very busy with our house renovations. I'm very excited to move in, we will finally have a computer to communicate with the outside world, and show you all the pictures of the reno process. Dad, I've tossed the tape and graduated to "cutting in" using only my paint brush just like a professional! Well, really I just discovered that it takes half the time and half the mess. I can paint a cleaner (not necessarily straighter) line than the tape.
Your visit with Auntie Donna sounded fun! Mom and Dad, you two are truly amazing hosts. I'm really looking forward to Christmas!!!
Love ya! Buggsie
We have been very busy with our house renovations. I'm very excited to move in, we will finally have a computer to communicate with the outside world, and show you all the pictures of the reno process. Dad, I've tossed the tape and graduated to "cutting in" using only my paint brush just like a professional! Well, really I just discovered that it takes half the time and half the mess. I can paint a cleaner (not necessarily straighter) line than the tape.
Your visit with Auntie Donna sounded fun! Mom and Dad, you two are truly amazing hosts. I'm really looking forward to Christmas!!!
Love ya! Buggsie
Friday, September 23, 2011
Auntie Donna visiting
Hello All you Prevost Girls,
I too, get to enjoy the Yukon hospitality, the new house, the lake and the berry picking. This is so wonderful here. I arrived on Tuesday and we have picked cranberries -twice!- , have been in the hot tub, gone to the school Mass, went to the "98" to listen to music and dance and to generally enjoy Judy's good cooking. The lake has been very rough so sleeping in the upper bedroom has been like sleeping next to the beach in Hawaii-sounds like the tide crashing into shore.
I am having a great time and will be sad when it is over .
Love you all,
Auntie Donna
Another month of leave left...
And I am counting down the days... It's so crazy how the time has gone by so quickly, and I don't really know what I have done with it! I had so many plans to do so many things... ah well, life. Just getting through the day and keeping the kids more or less content, fed and rested seems to take much energy.
The contractors just left, the front stoop is done, well mostly. They redid our stairs with cement and put in a brick walkway. Next spring we will redo the grass and plant bushes and plants to make it truely beautiful!
So for the next couple weeks, I have some little plans around here. Apple picking, strolls in the park, train museum, visit with Michelle and Nick (Noé has his hockey sticks and jersey ready). JL has the last couple weeks off in October so we are looking into a trip to Cuba and maybe a quick visit to Toronto. Kids are doing good, spending the occasional half day at the new daycare. I think I will take advantage of Manon and book a massage at a spa one day! What luxury!! Well, take care all. Here is a picture of my boys on a rare moment of them seemingly playing together. Mathis is officially walking... lots! 10 months, and so small! So cute!!!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Thank You Card
Hi Kids
I just want to voice my personal appreciation... a huge debt of gratitude is owed to Danielle for assisting Nicole with her kids on the road for four huge days. Punkin, your 'being there' allowed all our family to get together for Michelle & Nick. I don't think Mouse (and her gang) could have come without your help. Thank You!
I'm going to attach a couple mementos of the summer's festivities. I'm sure you see why these are my favorites.
What a great party! What a great family! Nick, you make us even better! Rick & I secretly agreed on numerous sentimental occasions, "We sure have wonderful kids".
Love Ya. Ole Dad
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