Merty!! Thanks for the picture of Gord!! I feel like I need him here with me at this point in my life... I can't WAIT to see him in August!! My tickets are all booked and I get a nice long visit to Nova Scotia! Two weekends!! I'm really excited...
Still waiting to see if I will be able to make it to Jay's cottage party for the beginning of August... they haven't told me if I have that time off just yet. I hope so!! I'd like to see Krista again! Cottage parties are always a good time. And I mean that in a genuine way, Krista... It really is nice to get outta the city every once and a while. I miss the Yukon for that. Krista, I need you to bring a toe brace for my big toe!! I have an ingrown and I picked at it until it bled tonight... damn quitting smoking. I can't stop picking.
Quitting smoking sucks, by the way. I am miserable. Just goes to show how badly I needed to do this I guess. Going into week two now. I pray that it gets easier. I have been a mess. Very emotional and panicky and full of anxiety. I try to go for a run anytime I start feeling really bad. A short run along the canal is a quick reminder of the damage that smoking has already done and again, how badly I needed to quit. That is why I missed your call tonight, mom! Your 'motherly intuitions' must have sensed that I was having a bit of anxiety because you calledright while I was on one of my stress reliever runs.
I had a great weekend just veggin' out in the 'Burbs with Nicole. We really did nothing but ate and watched Noe and ate and lazed around in the sun and ate some more!! lots of ice cream... Noe entertained us fully! I can't believe how much he has changed in only one month! Mertch and Krista, you guys will be amazed when you see him next... so cute... Nicole gave him a new hair cut! adorable little army buzz cut. There was a MASSIVE thunder storm on Saturday night... A couple got hit by lightning while sitting under a tree, waiting for the fireworks show to start! I guess they really got front row seats! more than they bargained for, I'm sure... Anyways, today was spent eating on the back patio, brainstorming names for the lil'un! So far, my submissions are as follows:
1.) Olivier Gorges - Noah's arc with the olive branch? - parfait!! nevermind your neighbours Nicole...
2.) Emmanuel John - Just to show Betty that we can play that religious themed name game too!! - Also, I really like the nick name "Manu!" How cute is that?!? "Noe! Manu! Come 'n eat!" Actually... this is my number one choice...
3.) Sebastien John - It's a handsome name... need I say more? And the nick name in French is "Seba." I love it.
So after another lazy day, Nicole and JL drove me home with that MASSIVE bag of...ahem... crap... haha!! No, there was some really good stuff in there... namely, some cute little summer dresses that I believe were actually Mertchul's! Ha! mine now... and my art.. and my contacts.. and my belly dancing stuff... Mom, thanks or sending me my resume and school paperwork stuff! But did I really need 4 copies of your resume?? ahah!! it's impressive!! I'm going to BackCheck it though.. verify all your claims... so I hope you had those dates right on there!!
"According to records, Judith Prevost received a Bachelor of Education from the University of Alberta in 1973."
"One clear education verification from the University of Alberta."
"Judith Prevost was employed from September 1973 to June 1976 at Whitehorse Elementary and September 1976 to June 2010 at Christ the King Elementary."
"Judy was teacher."
Note: On her resume, Judy claims to currently be employed.
The claims are not verified. See dates of employment.
"One not clear employment verification from Christ the King Elementary. See dates of employment."
Sooooo that is basically what I do all day. Except now I get to take references!! Nursing ones are my favorite... I gotta have a chat with Merty and Nick about 'em!
Anyways, I am getting delusional.. must sleep... G'nite! Love ya!