Monday, May 31, 2010
relaxing weekend
Sunday, May 30, 2010
That's me swimming with J's nephew Aidan. And you're not seeing double, that's J and his brother Shannon. I'll let you guess who's who.
Luv ya,
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Out to Hubbards!
K.. fiirst off I'm so jealous of all your 2-4 weekends.. I had to work darnit... Wish I was at J's cottage... that looked amazing!!!!! I can't believe you guys were swimming!!! Nick and I tried out the ocean last weekend and it hurt it was so cold. Nick and I move to the pink palace this weekend.. so excited to live oceanfront once again!!
A chilly day... 12 degrees.. WTF??? I'm moving back to the Yukon to warm up.
I'll be without internet for the next few days. You guys can reach me on my cell phone from now on (902) 471 5503 or Rick's (902) 857 1744
Luv ya! Mert
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
feelin hot hot hot
Today, it is supposed to feel like 40 with the humidity! Get me out of here! I keep looking at that picture a couple posts back of Mike and Gail cross country skiing! That's where I want to be! I will be at work on Friday so let me talk to JL about staying downtown for some shopping. He may be able to pick up Noé from the daycare. Do you want to come back out to the burbs with me after for dinner and overnight? Talk to you later! Nicole
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
beers, bikinis, boats and fireworks!
Nice Nicole! We had a pretty special weekend out at Jay's cottage too! plus a million outside and there was plenty of beers, bikinis, boats, bbq's and fireworks! We made a washer toss box set and played lots of games... I am COVERED in bug bites of all kinds....
busy weekend!
This year I planted thyme, parsley and basil as well as a small cherry tomato plant on my balcony. The flower beds are coming along - it always amazes me how fast things grow here! All the trees and shrubs look like they are in good condition this year - mild winter and early spring helped. You should see the blooms on the lilac bush - there is more purple blossoms than green leaves!
I have two weekends left to get things ready for our trip to Whitehorse. I really need to do some shopping. This is a funny stage for clothing. Nothing fits, not the fat clothes, not the maternity clothes - I just look weird. I think I need a moomoo or something. Hey Michelle, maybe send me your victoria secret magazine - I hear they have great moomoos.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Ice Is Gone!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hi Kids
*hack* *cough* *cough* hello, from Longueuil
We were trying to plan a fun trip of some sort this weekend, but I have a feeling we may still be recouperating. JL is starting to feel a cough coming on. What a mess. I'll take more pictures when Noé has less snot dripping out of his nose and I have make-up on. Luv ya! Mouse
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Wedding Hangover.

baby name
Tues. am and I'm bagged!!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
My vote is with mom's!!
Dad, you're hilarious! how do you even know the spelling of that volcano?? let alone to be able to type it twice!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Sooooo... it's a girl?!?!
Mom sounded pretty sure it's a girl there! So exciting!! yayaya!!
baby girl
Man, am I glad to put this hectic week behind me. I am not accustomed to having to really "work" that hard for a living, and this week was hard work!
There will be growing pains as I get adjusted to the new job at the Villa. Yeah, growing pains literally and figuratively, my neck and back are so sore from all the bending and lifting and straining. Not to mention the stress of working for an incompetent boss. He was having me store my new equipment in the garbage room! I went in to find the room filled with dirty diapers and my new cart was missing. Luckily I tracked it down, but I still don't have a safe space for my stuff. And all the old italians are yelling at me. "Why it cost-a so much-a money??? The other lady, she only charge-a ten dollars!!!"
On the upside, I'm off to the cottage again this weekend. Whee! It's even meant to be nice and warm. Then, just one more week to May 24! And the big job for this weekend is clearing out the horseshoe pit. It'll be all ready for you when you come visit (Mom).
PS Hey Dano, try to stay out of jail for the next little while. If you and your friends feel like picking up a car, just say no!
Just a little peanut!

We went to our first ultrasound yesterday. It was amazing. The little baby was moving all over the place, stretching out his/her arms and legs. You could see everything so clearly: heart, stomach, little brain, little fingers and toes. The doctor confirmed that I am ahead of schedule by just over a week. My new due date is November 13th. Mom... you are going to miss it again!!!!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Great sleep training skills out the window
Here was last night's scenario:
"Night night, Noé, close you eyes and go to sleep."
Noé: "No!"
"Mama's leaving now, you go to sleep."
Noé: "No!"
I close the door and leave. I hear, "No!" and a bang as suce number 1 flies across the room and hits the back of the door. "No!" and another bang as the frog with the comforting music is thrown to the floor. "NO!" and bang, there goes suce number two. "No!" and No!" as I imagine he throws his blanket and little lamb to the floor. Then "MAMA!", "AHHHHHHH!" and louder "AHHHHHHH!!" and he starts screeeeeeeching!
So, he finally fell asleep in Jean-Louis' arms at around 9 last night. Little monster!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Wed. morning blues
Monday, May 10, 2010
I'm a hurtin unit.
I had such a great weekend with my lady friends in New Brunswick at the bachlorette party. No peelers though... darn. Remind me to tell you the drama involved with trying to book the strippers.. it's a funny one. So excited for the wedding... I'm really going to try to catch the bouquet.. that's right.. I'm going to get aggressive in there... I'm going to be "one of those" obnoxious women who kick punch and elbow the gaggle of other frantic ladies as I desperately try to snatch those flowers out of the air or violently tear them from my competitors hands in hopes of one day being the "tosser" myself.
Montreal just scored again!!! 3-2!!! In yo face Crosby!!!
Sweet legwarmers Krista!!! I've taken a bit of a hiatus from knitting. Nick's Neice Stella saw my leagwarmers and wanted a pair for herself so that'll be my next project.
Love you all!!!
Nicole... I want Pa to be in Montreal when I'm there.. book his ticket for that time...
Sunday, May 9, 2010
On hold with Air Canada
So I tried booking mom and dad's flights to Montreal this winter and sure enough, I couldn't get you both on the same flight returning on Jan 6th. So, I'm going to talk to a human (I hope eventually) about it and see what can be done.
I had an amazing mother's day lunch prepared for by Jean-Louis. He made his awesome spring rolls with lentil soup - so delicious. Noé ate about 3 spring rolls all by himself! He's just down for a nap now. Once he wakes up we will head over to his little friend Sami's house for a visit. His mom has some maternity clothes to give me - thank goodness! I already can't fit into any of my clothes!!!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Hey family, Krista here in case the title didn't already tip you off. I wanted to show off some of my latest projects. I've been knitting like crazy, I have the feeling my friends are starting to get annoyed. Like at the pub the other night when Jen said, "Hey! I can see that yarn you're trying to hide under the table... put it down and drink your beer like a normal person!" Heh heh, maybe they're right, but that's no way to get yourself a cozy pair of mitts or a tuque!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Things I need for Noé in the North
2 - stroller - better yet a jogging or sport stroller so we can take it out on the trails.
3 - high chair or a booster chair to sit him at the table. (that way he is up high enough to chuck his vegetables way across the kitchen.)
4 - mattress or something for him to sleep on.
5 - hockey sticks so he won't lose his game.
6 - sand toys, lots of sand toys.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
On hold with Air Canada
I took Noé to the Doctor today. JL calls him Dr. Piff, cause he has a huge nose. He is this really old, really friendly man with a great booming voice. As soon as he comes is the room, he puts his nose right in Noé's face and asks him how he's doing. Poor Noé started shaking when he did his exam (checked his ears, checked his little racing heartbeat and checked his belly). You should have seen the fear in his eyes! As soon as the doctor left he just burst out crying, he was so upset! Mean Dr. Piff! I brought him back to the daycare and he was really happy to see his little friends. I got to come home and relax all afternoon. I sure need it these days!
Got through to Air Canada, wasn't too painful. I don't need a car seat for Noé, so that's good. I will have to prepurchase our meals though. No flights offer meals anymore, well not if you are in stearige anyhow. boo hoo for me.
Mom, we need to start talking about kid supplies. What do you think about sleeping Noé on a mattress on the floor in the little bedroom? I think that would be better than the playpen - it's too little. Also, what about a high chair? What are the possibilities of borrowing a stroller (ideally a running or sports stroller!) for out at the lake and back on the trails. Also, we will definitely need sand toys for out at the lake. What else???
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Mom's don't have to follow rules set by kids!
Baby Names
Start thinking of names
Alright, submit your proposals here. JL has already started a list.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Sangria on Tuesday Afternoon
a message to the commentator
2 - When I open the comments, my computer crashes.
3 - this message is from the responsible one - I need to get back to work now.
Christmas tickets - a message from the responsible one
Monday, May 3, 2010
Christmas 2010
Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!!
Greetings from rainy Montreal
Well, another week at work. I would say that I am looking forward to the weekend, but I'm not sure which is more exhausting!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Dano in the city...
Sunday evening hangover...
Mom, I support the Sham-wow cause through and through, like the slap chop, they too have changed my life. Hey Pa.. how's the Slap Chop worki9ng out fot you??
I really like the idea of having a big partay in October, we'll be there from the 5th to the 19th. I think we'll be in Haines for Thanksgiving weekend so keep that in mind.
I'm going to try to make it up to Montreal sometime in December.