Thanks kids for the pictures.
Mouse, (I don't know, Mouse doesn't seem the appropriate moniker now for some reason... I don't feel just right calling you Mouse) Your Belly is huge... It's bigger than Noé. I of course would not have ever remembered this very important part of you, your life, your family. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Buggsie, thank you for adding the pics of you, your friends and the house. You, your friends and your outfits, you have fun. Just like we always ask you to. Thank You.
The house shows no apparent change since you took those shots, except for the floor tiles, and they're unfinished 'cause we're a few tiles short in three of the areas. Anyway they don't really show ('cause they're not sealed yet). Oh, and some electrical and boiler work but also unfinished. So we'll add more photos when some changes are noticeable. (like boiler room,interior doors, baseboards, staircase & railings, lights installed... lots left to do)
I spoke too soon about Copper running less. He ran in the frozen swamp today for four hours. We could hear him baying away after the illusive fox, in the bush. (not far from the climbing tree actually) He came home wet 'cause the snow in the bush was melting. I think his hips are sore tonight, so now he's moving much slower again. Poor little bugger. (That's why we'll get him the "Metacam")
Mom made a big spaghetti sauce tonight and soup is in the works for tomorrow, so I'll have some yummy left-overs for a few days at least!
Jamie called this morning from Antigonish. Her gram-ma is failing so Jamie is trying to get the leave from her job extended so she can be with her a bit longer.
Oh, Mom & I went to a show at the Art Centre the other evening... Really good! "Lunch At Allen's" (You can check it out on line.)
Love Ya... Ole Dad