Sunday, December 12, 2010

So there's no place like home for the holidays...

It was sad saying goodbye to Michelle tonight. She is heading back to Hubbards for a quiet Christmas and lots of work. Nick will be working long shifts over the holidays too from the sounds of it. We sure had a nice time here with Michelle. Kim and Danielle were around as well and with Krista in town for the weekend, all Prevost girls were present.
Tomorrow night, Dad arrives. Are you ready to leave the Marsh Lake house behind for a few weeks Dad? Will you be able to take a break and relax? Hopefully, this time in Longueuil, no floods will reach the house and no boats will sink! Can't wait to see you!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Trailer Trash?

I liked the photos from your party, Peanut.
So here is a picture of your parents abode.
Look closely, there's two trailers... can we get invited to your party next year?
Love Ya
Ole Dad

Ladies of the 80s hit Collingwood!

In case you didn't notice, the theme of this year's "Ho-vember" was the 80s. There was about 20 of us up for the weekend... looking fabulous! We even had an amateur photographer among us who did a bathroom photo shoot. Next year's theme.... Trailer Trash!

More Boileroom Pics
The previous two photos are of the boiler unit, showing some of the wiring I put in...
This is in the pantry, it also shows my wiring for zone valves and distribution lines to the Sunroom, Kitchen & dining areas. The black hose is for pumping the glycol, filling the infloor tube system.

Boiler Wiring

Lots of wires, Zone Valves, Thermostats, Transformers & One Boiler!

Hi Kids
The boiler is finally all wired, I'll attach a couple pics of it to show why it took so long. The guys are here putting glycol into the system. (interesting, the floor feels really cold now because that anti-freeze was in the back of Nick's truck overnight and its' -30º this morning) Milestone when that boiler gets fired-up. Perhaps tomorrow, Nick doesn't want to do it if it's late in the day when he's all ready. (doesn't want to fire it up then leave)
Also a couple of pics of the deep snow.
Love to all, Ole Dad

Thursday, November 25, 2010

More pics

So happy! Nicky at the fishhouse; view at night; good lookin ladies at Peggys Cove; lovin the plaid

More pics

Momma's crantinis; view from the Fishhouse (where the party took place); good lookin ladies in Mahone Bay; at the dinner table

The Big 3-0!

Well, I must say... I am so blessed to have the most generous and loving friends and family in my life. This past weekend will will go down as one of the most memorable Birthdays I've ever had. (Nicole and Pa, you were dearly missed) I was on such an emotional high for those four days, it was difficult having to return to my regular life... however, am beside myself with excitement in anticipation for this coming summer.

So the wedding date is officially set; Friday August 5th 2010. We've booked the Hubbards Barn, (a sweet little shack in the heart of Hubbard where the farmers market takes place) I meet with the owner this Saturday to get the deets.

Here are some photos of the weekend. Me, so surprised collapsing to the floor in utter disbelief, then me throwing the surprise right back!

Love ya!

Betty and Copper

Looks like Copper is dealing with his disgust of cat germs.

Just another day in Longueuil

Mom and I are getting ready to go to the breastfeeding clinic. This place brings back many memories for me, some extremely stressful. I remember the first few times bringing Noé to the clinic, it was an ordeal just getting there! How to time it, how to avoid huge meltdowns (both by Noé and myself!), will Noé have gained weight from the last time, why does he cry so much, how long will it take to get to see the nurse, will the lactation consultant be there, will they be able to help me. I would stress all week, just waiting for Thursday to come around so that I could get in there and talk to someone again about the plethora of problems I was having.
This time, I almost feel guilty going. Normally I am a priority and should pass before the other moms and babies as Mathis is less than 3 weeks old. But, you know, I can wait. Really, I don't have any major problems to tell them about. Sure we can weigh Mathis, if they want to, but I already know he's put on lots of weight. Sure, they can observe how he's feeding, maybe give me a suggestion or two, but, you know, it's all working just fine as is. So, we'll go. Perhaps there will be some other moms there to chat with, perhaps some ugly babies to laugh at. Needless to say, Mathis will be the cutest one there!

I'm SOOOOOO cute!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Nicole Morgan's brother has started laying the hardwood (oiled Larch) down. Actually calling it hardwood is a misnomer. It's really quite soft, I can gouge it pretty easily with my fingernail. Pets will wreak havoc with this floor.
And Copper & Betty know where the warmest spot in the big shop is.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Exciting weekend!

As usual, J and I got back from another legendary weekend at the cottage. Great crew, great eats and great weather. We spent a good part of Saturday outside with an outdoor fire, playing newfie horseshoes and we even put the boat in the river. I could have used another Prevost on my washer toss team though. J was utterly useless as a partner!
And I was so excited to hear about the new baby! I have the day off today, so I'm bumming around by the phone waiting to hear from Nicole. I bet you're still sleeping it off. I can't wait to see the new little bugger!
Here's a couple pics of the weekend. So fun.
Love ya,

New Grandson!

Good Morning! It's 4 a.m. Mom & I are heading for the airport and we have a new Grandson!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thanks For the Pics

Thanks kids for the pictures.
Mouse, (I don't know, Mouse doesn't seem the appropriate moniker now for some reason... I don't feel just right calling you Mouse) Your Belly is huge... It's bigger than Noé. I of course would not have ever remembered this very important part of you, your life, your family. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Buggsie, thank you for adding the pics of you, your friends and the house. You, your friends and your outfits, you have fun. Just like we always ask you to. Thank You.
The house shows no apparent change since you took those shots, except for the floor tiles, and they're unfinished 'cause we're a few tiles short in three of the areas. Anyway they don't really show ('cause they're not sealed yet). Oh, and some electrical and boiler work but also unfinished. So we'll add more photos when some changes are noticeable. (like boiler room,interior doors, baseboards, staircase & railings, lights installed... lots left to do)
I spoke too soon about Copper running less. He ran in the frozen swamp today for four hours. We could hear him baying away after the illusive fox, in the bush. (not far from the climbing tree actually) He came home wet 'cause the snow in the bush was melting. I think his hips are sore tonight, so now he's moving much slower again. Poor little bugger. (That's why we'll get him the "Metacam")
Mom made a big spaghetti sauce tonight and soup is in the works for tomorrow, so I'll have some yummy left-overs for a few days at least!
Jamie called this morning from Antigonish. Her gram-ma is failing so Jamie is trying to get the leave from her job extended so she can be with her a bit longer.
Oh, Mom & I went to a show at the Art Centre the other evening... Really good! "Lunch At Allen's" (You can check it out on line.)
Love Ya... Ole Dad

hmmm... interesting colour choice.

Not sure if I am loving the minty green wall colour. I do like the red though, have to say! I can't wait to see the final results, but I guess mom and dad feel the same, so we won't go there.

Nice halloween costume Michelle, or is that first picture of you, your "just out for a walk in the forest" outfit? Either way - it works!

I'm up, with some uncomfortable aches and pains that I wish would turn into labour pains... nothing yet. Here is a picture of me and my huge belly!

Copper Perked Up

Hi Kids
Cu. seems to have perked up a bit, not sure if it's the "Metacam" (pain medicine) or the home remedy of cottage cheese laced with flax oil. Thing is too, he hasn't been on a good ol' six hour fox hunt to really cripple his hips. Sure, he's still doing the almost daily half-hour run, but not the long drawn out for hours sessions that he is well known around here for.
So we've been looking on line for a refill of the prescription without bringing him back to the Vet. (He hates the Vet, so we thought we wouldn't put him through that misery.) Only seem to find suppliers that will ship to "outside" of Canada. It appears that Canadian pharmacies have some kind of franchise. So I reckon we're obliged to pay the big bucks.
Hardwood flooring dude is supposed to start next week. Ran short of a few tiles of each of the different colours, so that project is on hold, unfinished. (Oh yes, it goes on & on)
Mom leaves Monday Morn.
Love ya... Ole Dad

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Remeberance day.. I remembered the blog.

Well, I figure I'm about due here. Be easy on me, I've been sick with a mean chest infection since returning from the Yukon. Well, today is the first day we've seen sunshine. It has rained hard for the past 6 days in a row. All the small brooks have turned into massive gushing rivers. A bridge that I cross everyday was closed down in fear it may collapse. Today is Remembrance day, I observed a moment of silence, but a difficult time really being present.. I more or less just went through the motions of the whole, "I thank all the individuals who made sacrifices for us."??? I don't know. Perhaps Mom or Dad, you have a more personal story or person you remember today. Who? Great Uncle George? (I know there's a good story about that man)

Here are so pics. Keep in mind the paint colours of the walls are not this vibrant. I used a colour filter on my camera that has enhanced the colours.

Pictures of the past few months

Halloween/House/Cabinant Doors